A man contacted me. He was told about his wife and asked to come to a certain place. Yes, his wife was smuggled and humiliated by the crowd. The man was a lawyer asked by the rapist. Before we talked about it, I asked you to check out the evidence video. I was asked to come by myself, but I couldn't leave my wife alone, so I went together. This is a proof video, you are told not to be surprised, and in anger, press the play button. There was a light drinking scene. The men who seem to be scrambling. They were irritated at the thought of their wife, but they had to put up with it. A wife who could not go about Nori and was drinking at a high pace. The wife fell asleep when she realized that there were no girls with whom she should have been, and to the goodness of irresistibility, the wife was frightened by men. I was so upset that I was forced to break it right now, but I thought I'd check out all of this. The men, who had seen him and a little awakened his wife in the shadows, began to attack her again, many times over and over. A wife crying while watching a video. I'm about to run out of blood vessels. The actions of men who haven't finished yet. But the next moment, I saw a video of my anger turning into sadness.