I bring around one or two times a month to drink with my usual members' savvy friends. This time it was decided to hold at my house. It seems that I am looking forward to the wife-in-law who has married a couple of alcoholic drink lovers. On the day of the event, I returned home in an already exciting situation, but drinking sake with good friends who could drink happily with all members is delicious. Just a little bit he was worried that drinking would be too cheerful. It's been a long time, but on the night of drinking sake, I ask for sex heavily from my niece. Unfortunately, I was a little worried that I would not be satisfied with 100% of the habits because it was too early. One day I was at work when my wife contacted me to drink during the daytime, and I thought it was a women's party, but when I came home and saw my wife, an intense jealousy and severe uprising occurred at the same time. because her body was so spicy and dry.