Fumiyo Hosokawa is 50 years old, saying that he was active in many famous media such as magazines and V cinema in the gravure world during the heyday of the 90's when numerous big milk gradles appeared. She is now the mother of a child who works as a backside under her husband, who runs a small entertainment production. "It was unknown, and everything is different." At the time, Fumiko was also disgusted by the fierce competition of big breast idols who were based in Gunyu. "It's hard to sell. At that time, I had an offer to not go on AV. However, there is a conflict that it will sell so far and what to do. But a few decades later, I was moved by the glittering expressions of my young children when I came to support the talent behind me." It was the first time that I made a decision in secret to my husband, who has put all of his trust into public and private life. i don't want to dream like a maiden right now... I can't control the hot impulse that comes up, just that!