My daily routine is a burglar journal. This is the fourth record of its great popularity. The last time is crying - Chigaru OL (sales assistant) - witnessed a miniska beauty in a suit that climbs up the escalator at the station! When I followed him, he was playing a defenseless puncher on the train. When I secretly took a photo with my phone, the woman who noticed it intentionally spread her legs to show me the puncher while knowing that she was being taken. I asked her to take a picture, so I went to the hotel. On the way home from sales to business partners, she was stolen from Punchra and on the other hand stressed out. she's such a cute smile, and i don't think she'll do this. there's no gap! She is ashamed but excited to be instructing a harrench punchra pose at the hotel, so she will look for a man's piece that is not enough just by shooting punchra!!! Once again, the woman who wants to be exposed demonstrates a hybrid theory that loves not only M but also S. What a pervert the day was emptied .... look at everything.