Firanger Tiger Ranger Odendaki and Carla Ranger Hazaki Akashi continued to fight against the Lagoon family in their hearts, thinking each other's minds. In such a situation, the color that fought alone with the Lagoon executives Dolm is immersed in evil power. The crystals, who thought that they had been captured without knowing it, were imprisoned by Carla rangers and become prisoners. The color that captures the crystal explodes the desire for the crystal, which has been patienced so far, and detonates the crystal. Akira tried to maintain his reason desperately, though he felt the affectionate love of color. But it only prolonged the suffering. The crystals, which have become full-bodied with the persistent affection of color, are dyed to evil power as well as color after receiving the light of the Dolme that has once been twisted. Tigaranger and Carlaranger, who became evil warriors, followed Dolm's orders to seduce the general public and make them sexy. [BAD END]