Today is also today, Nampa Nichiwa! Thank you! Bango from the flowers! It is a nampa master from the dumplings! Today's stage is Tokyo Shinagawa! It has flourished as an inn town of Tokaido in the old days, and has been developed as a business city since the 90s! Let's follow Mr. Yatsugi with a knee eyebrow in the middle of Tokaido, and let us also get a girl using our feet! Just time to finish the work! Business warriors coming home to the station are in line! The feeling of liberation at the end of work is exceptional, isn't it? I will drink alcohol on it and go to the hotel! This is today's plan! I found a girl who felt good to be doing this! Nori is also good! Everything is already finished. Unfortunately, the drinking party was boring, sorry for the dirty words ...! It seems that it was a very boring drinking party, and he was trying to drink again from now on! this is god's thought! let me drown! to the izakaya without hesitation! My name is Mirachan!It seems that I am working on food and drink related work at the age of 24! Boin chan that you can understand even from the top of clothes ...! I am looking forward to this after ...! Let's drink more and more! If you thought it was sake from the beginning, so ...! This is going to be a long and long fight. But this is also the end of a Japanese boy! I can not lose ...! let me show you what it's like to be a nampa teacher! look at everything.