A self-proclaimed artist named Otaru (39) told women in the city, "I am an artist. I want to model you and bring your work to the world!" I brought it to the atelier of my home as a drawing model, and put __ in the tea that was served during the break. For women who are almost naked with bathrobes, do __ act to __ up to the inside out! Part of that is now available. #04... "I'm ready." "Oh, yes." The one who was invited to visit was a beautiful older sister with long black hair and clean-skinned Kanji. "The clothes you took off...?" "Well, shall we keep it?" "Thank you very much," "Well, I'll start a little. Thank you very much. This is the first time, isn't it?" "Oh, yes. I'm a little nervous." A woman speaking while slowly taking off her robe. The line of the body is very beautiful"It is certainly a very nice body with long legs and good posture. "The ass is also very beautiful. Could you sit here for a moment?" A man getting his chair out and sitting there. "I want you to stick out a little bit more sideways ... oh! That's great! It's a little hard, but please keep it as it is." When the pose was decided, I finally began to draw. "Well, that's good! but his expression is still a little hard... It's the first time, isn't it?" A woman smiles with a hard look on her face. "I'm still nervous, so can you sit down a little bit? Let's take a break..." A man guiding to the sofa. "I'll bring you some tea, so please wait." "Yes, thank you." The man went to another room to get tea with ___. "Come on. It has a relaxing effect, so please drink slowly." The man usually recommended tea with ___ to the woman. "Thank you very much," To thank you politely, the woman had a cup of tea slowly. "Well, let's rest a little and then resume?" "Yes, thank you." The man then moved to another room. A few minutes later, the man confirmed that he was completely asleep and began to carry a separate camera for shooting. 4 people of __ person model recorded.